350 Wisconsin is an intervening party in two dockets currently open at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC). These dockets pertain to energy affordability and energy burden among customers of Madison Gas & Electric (Docket #3270-UI-101) and Wisconsin Power & Light/Alliant Energy (Docket #6680-UI-100). Guided by PSC staff, the utilities and intervening parties are working collaboratively to identify new or modified programs that the utilities can propose in their 2025 rate cases in order to reduce energy costs and alleviate energy insecurity for their low-income customers. 350 Wisconsin is advocating for approaches that can provide immediate financial assistance, improve energy efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions.
At 350 Wisconsin, we work to accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources across the state. As Wisconsin’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels continues to harm public health and the environment, the push for cleaner, renewable energy has become increasingly urgent. 350 Wisconsin provides its members the training and tools to advocate for new solar and wind projects throughout the regulatory process. We work to build local community support by highlighting the ways these projects improve public health, provide good-paying jobs, and protect the planet.
Wisconsin has several renewable energy proposals at various stages of the regulatory process:
Across Wisconsin, several methane gas plant proposals are at various stages, ranging from early planning to regulatory review, active construction, and completion. Communities near coal-burning power plants continue to face disproportionate impacts from delayed closures and planned conversion to gas, paying the bill with their pocketbooks and their health while the utility rakes in record profits. Allowing methane gas infrastructure expansion to move forward will not only exacerbate energy justice disparities and cumulative air quality and public health impacts, but also directly undermine efforts to achieve Wisconsin’s climate goals, locking us into fossil fuels for decades to come and putting us even further behind.
350 Wisconsin is building out a diverse statewide movement, empowering residents to challenge these proposals in order to protect the communities most at risk; promote cleaner, climate-friendly options; and advocate for more just policies and regulatory processes.