Energy Justice

Energy Justice

Energy justice (also termed utility justice) refers to the intent to make energy and utilities accessible, affordable, and sustainable for everyone, but especially for those who have been historically marginalized and systematically oppressed. Energy justice is a crucial part of ensuring a fair, equitable transition to clean energy.

Impact of Energy Justice on Wisconsinites

Families across the state of Wisconsin are being placed in difficult situations each day, having to decide which bills to pay or how much food they can purchase given high utility costs. In colder months, of which Wisconsin has many, some Wisconsinites are forced to ask themselves if they can afford to heat their homes. Access to affordable, clean, and reliable energy is essential to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live a healthy, sustainable life. Without energy justice, disadvantaged communities will continue to suffer economic and health impacts at the hands of the fossil fuel industry. Everyone deserves to put food on their table, heat their homes appropriately, and pay their bills without fear of there not being enough money to cover it all.

350 Wisconsin and Energy Justice

350 Wisconsin remains committed to justice in all forms: climate justice, racial justice, energy justice, utility justice. The Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) asks for feedback and comments from the general public, and 350 Wisconsin works to make this process more accessible and approachable for the average person, while also participating in the process as an organization. 350 Wisconsin employs several strategies to help achieve our organization’s energy justice goals:

  • Affordability dockets at the PSC
    • Mobilizing local communities to submit comments
    • Providing assistance with attending public hearings to show support for affordability programs
    • Publishing public comments from the organization
    • Offering trainings and webinars
  • Opposition to fossil fuel infrastructure that negatively impacts health, climate, and general well-being
    • Mobilizing local communities to submit comments
    • Providing assistance with attending public hearings to show support for affordability programs
    • Publishing public comments from the organization
    • Offering trainings and webinars
  • Wisconsin Toolkit for Energy Engagement
    • 350 Wisconsin created this toolkit to lower the barriers to participation by demystifying energy decision-making processes, explaining key issues in everyday language, and uplifting inclusive and accessible options for everyone to speak out.

350 Wisconsin’s energy justice work is undertaken to help achieve the following outcomes, all rooted in our commitment to climate justice:

  • Affordable and accessible energy
  • Renewable energy development
  • Opposition to fossil fuel infrastructure
  • Energy efficiency