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Our February 2025 monthly meeting featured Kate Cell, Senior Climate Campaign Manager for the Climate & Energy program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Kate spoke about countering climate disinformation. Counter-disinformation work is crucial to building a world in which facts, science, and truth matter, and democracy ultimately prevails. Kate discussed ways of thinking about information integrity and advocating for a better information ecosystem.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Kate’s talk begins at 4:18).

Rights of Nature is a global movement that explores the concept that natural ecosystems, species, and elements, such as rivers, forests, and mountains, have inherent rights to exist, thrive, and evolve. This idea challenges traditional legal systems that treat nature as property to be exploited, advocating instead for laws that recognize nature’s intrinsic value.

Our speaker, Anahkwet (Guy Reiter), covers key principles, such as the right of nature to be protected from harm, the right of ecosystems to regenerate, and the right of communities to defend nature from environmental degradation. He also presents case studies of the successful integration of Rights of Nature into legal frameworks, such as in Ecuador and New Zealand, and examines the growing movement to enshrine these rights in national, state, tribal, and international law.

Anahkwet is a traditional Menominee who resides on the Menominee Reservation. He’s the Executive Director of a Menominee Indian community organization called Menikahnaehkem. He is also a community organizer, activist, author, amateur archaeologist, and lecturer.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Anahkwet’s talk begins at 7:27).

Katelynn Samuelsen, Outreach and Engagement Specialist with the Wisconsin Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy (OSCE), talks about how the public can get involved in the development of Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, discover what climate action is already happening across Wisconsin, and learn how to access clean energy and energy efficiency resources. Katelynn works on OSCE’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Katelynn’s talk begins at 6:23).

Ken Van Horn, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, and Jeffery S. Lafferty, Public Health Epidemiologist, from Public Health Madison & Dane County discuss air quality and extreme heat in Dane County, Wisconsin. They provide an overview of air quality and extreme heat and its impact on health in Dane County communities with a focus on health equity. In addition, they discuss emergency preparedness efforts to help reduce potential health impacts and improve the ability of our community to respond as these events become more frequent due to the effects of climate change.You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Van Horn’s and Lafferty’s talk begins at 6:49).

Kristen Clark, Field Director of our sister organization, 350 Wisconsin Action, gives an engaging presentation on the stakes of the 2024 election, from the dangerous Project 2025 to our fight for bold climate policy. She highlights key opportunities and explains why the following eight weeks are critical, especially in Wisconsin, where elections come down to 1-2 votes per precinct.You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Kristen’s talk begins at 3:13).

What do street theater, climate grief, and critter hats have in common? They are all pieces of the many projects being coordinated by 350 Wisconsin’s Art Collective.

At the July monthly meeting, Art Collective leads Russ Bennett and Dianne Brakarsh spoke about the multi-pronged activities of the Art Collective. They shared their goals for the group and suggested how to get involved.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (the Art Collective presenttion begins at 2:52).

Kathy Kuntz, Director of the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change, speaks about the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. The act could accelerate climate action in Wisconsin—if we take full advantage of the opportunities. Kathy talks about what the IRA means for Wisconsin and outlines the opportunities available to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and local governments under this landmark legislation.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Kathy’s talk begins at 8:07).

At our 2024 annual meeting, Board of Directors President John Greenler, Co-Executive Director Emily Park, and Board Vice President Tanace Matthiesen reviewed 350 Wisconsin’s vision, mission, and principles for change; highlights from the last year; plans for the upcoming year; and our campaign and operations teams. We then held our annual election to the Board of Directors and Coordinating Council.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below.

Kathy Kuntz, Director of the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change, speaks about the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. The act could accelerate climate action in Wisconsin—if we take full advantage of the opportunities. Kathy talks about what the IRA means for Wisconsin and outlines the opportunities available to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and local governments under this landmark legislation.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Kathy’s talk begins at 8:07).

At our May monthly meeting, 350 Wisconsin Board member Stephanie Janeth Salgado Altamirano shared her passion for promoting climate justice and the voice of youth. Stephanie brought us her compelling personal story and a fresh perspective on why our work is so urgent and vital today. She shared her experience as a young immigrant of color working on climate justice activism and explained what that experience can teach us about climate work in Wisconsin and beyond. After Stephanie finished answering questions, 350 Wisconsin Monthly Meeting Team member Julia Isaacs said that she let the talk go beyond the usual time slot because “it was just too captivating to cut short!”

Born and raised in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Stephanie moved to Madison, Wisconsin, in 2015. Awareness of the interaction of systems of oppression led her to embrace climate justice activism and found the Memorial High School Green Club, which helped organize the 2019 Madison Climate Strike. Stephanie was subsequently invited to join the Wisconsin Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change. Stephanie now works as the Madison Community Organizer for Voces de la Frontera, an organization committed to intersectional understanding and environmental justice. We are excited to have Stephanie serving as a member of the 350 Wisconsin Board.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Stephanie’s talk begins at 4:49).

Kathy Kuntz, Director of the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change, speaks about the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. The act could accelerate climate action in Wisconsin—if we take full advantage of the opportunities. Kathy talks about what the IRA means for Wisconsin and outlines the opportunities available to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and local governments under this landmark legislation.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Kathy’s talk begins at 8:07).

Dekila Chungyalpa speaks about ecoanxiety, climate grief, and solastalgia. She addresses the psychological and emotional impacts of the environmental and climate crisis and actions we can take to face, and hopefully even thrive in, these uncertain times.

Dekila Chungyalpa is the founder and director of the Loka Initiative, an interdisciplinary program within the Center for Healthy Minds at UW–Madison. The Initiative’s mission is to “support faith-led environmental and climate efforts locally and around the world by helping build capacity of faith leaders and culture keepers of Indigenous traditions, and by creating new opportunities for projects, partnerships and public outreach.”

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Dekila’s talk begins at 6:27).

Our summers are getting hotter, and the impacts are being felt differently in different neighborhoods. At our February 2024 monthly meeting, we heard about the disparate impacts in Chicago neighborhoods. Lonette Sims, chair of the People’s Response Network (PRN), and Dr. Howard Ehrman, PRN co-founder, were our speakers.

In collaboration with the City of Chicago and other organizations, PRN received a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to involve resident scientists in creating a map of localized measurements of temperatures. The Chicago Heating Mapping Project found a differential of 22℉ between different neighborhoods on July 28, 2023. Under-resourced, redlined African American and Latino neighborhoods experienced the most dangerous temperatures, with the greatest concentrations of heat islands and far less green infrastructure or air conditioning.

Lonette and Howard talked about their experiences working with community organizations, labor unions, and resident scientists to create the heat map for Chicago and to show the award-winning film COOKED: SURVIVAL BY ZIP CODE about the 1995 deadly Chicago heatwave, the worst in US history. They gave an overview of the project’s key findings and shared thoughts about how these findings can be used to save lives.

Lonette Sims is a community organizer from Chicago, Illinois. She is the chair of the People’s Response Network.

Howard Ehrman, MD, MPH, is a former Chicago Assistant Health Commissioner and a former assistant professor, University of Illinois Chicago. He is a co-founder of the People’s Response Network.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Lonette’s and Howard’s talk begins at 4:21).

At our January 2024 Monthly Meeting, Heather Phelps offered a firsthand account of last month’s COP28 climate summit. Heather attended COP28 with the Christian Climate Observer Program, which brings young people to the UN climate summits to offer “a non-denominational Christian presence advocating for God’s creation.” Heather is a resource specialist at the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education (WCEE). Before joining WCEE, she worked with the Dane County Office of Energy and Climate Change.You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Heather’s talk begins at 6:55).

Did you know that about 40% of global carbon emissions are attributable to buildings? Changing the way we build new buildings — and renovate existing buildings — will play an important role in meeting our global climate goals.

At our December monthly meeting, we heard from Ben Austin, Sustainability Lead at the Madison construction firm J.H. Findorff & Son. Ben addressed the opportunities and challenges of taking climate action in the building sector.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Ben’s talk begins at 5:38).

It can seem hard to understand and talk about money and investing. But you don’t have to be a financial expert to understand why fossil fuels are financially risky investments and divestment is a way to better safeguard our savings.

At our November 2023 monthly meeting, Pete Knotek and Anne Steinberg talked about Climate Safe Pensions for Wisconsin. This group is working to get the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) to move the state retirement system out of financially risky and environmentally irresponsible fossil fuel investments. Peter and Anne shared what they’ve learned while researching SWIB’s holdings, meeting with SWIB staff, talking with many other Wisconsin Retirement System members, and participating in the international pension divestment movement.

Pete Knotek joined Climate Safe Pensions for Wisconsin as a volunteer this year. Anne Steinberg helped start Climate Safe Pensions for Wisconsin when she realized her retirement savings in the Wisconsin Retirement System were invested in fossil fuel companies — including Enbridge.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Pete and Anne’s talk begins at 8:18).

To change everything it takes everyone… right? Well… not quite. Movement breakthroughs often come about by winning people over selectively. But how do we know whom to select?

Seth Jensen, 350 Wisconsin, discusses how to communicate with different audiences to win climate campaigns. He introduces a tool called the Spectrum of Allies, which helps activists determine where to pitch their message for maximum effect.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Seth’s talk begins at 4:33).

How much of your household income do you pay toward energy costs? Do you think all households bear a similar energy burden? Watch this video of our September 2023 monthly meeting to learn about energy burden and its impact in Wisconsin from these experts in the field:
** Liz Hachten. Energy Equity Work Group Lead, 350 Wisconsin
** Cristina Carvajal, founder and director, Wisconsin Eco-Latinos
** Keviea Guiden, energy burden coordinator, Citizen Action of Wisconsin in Milwaukee; project coordinator, Wisconsin Climate Table

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (panel discussion begins at 4:00).

Heather Allen, Associate Director of Policy at Elevate, and Michael Vickerman, Clean Energy Deployment Manager for RENEW
Wisconsin, speak about MG&E’s and Alliant Energy’s proposals to raise rates and alter net metering for solar customers.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below.

350 Wisconsin leaders review what 350 Wisconsin has been doing over the past year and what’s planned for the future. They address where we are as an organization working together to combat the climate crisis and promote environmental justice. We also hold our annual election for our Board of Directors and Coordinating Council.

The look back considers our progress in implementing our strategic plan, including:
* Rebranding as 350 Wisconsin in recognition of the statewide reach of our work;
* Launching 350 Wisconsin Action, a separate 501(c)(4) organization to allow us to engage in political and electoral work;
* Assessing what we can do to make 350 Wisconsin a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization;
* Building our capacity at many levels, including our campaigns, communications, and development.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below.

Victoria McMillen and Jami Gaither — two volunteers from Waadookawaad Amikwag (Anishinaabemowin for Those Who Help Beaver) — talk about efforts to monitor and document the ongoing damage done by the construction of the Line 3 replacement pipeline (now operating as Line 93). They explain how Indigenous respect for water and community science have come together in this grassroots effort to uncover what Enbridge is trying to hide in Minnesota. They share findings of damage to lands and waters far beyond what is reported by Enbridge and the state agencies charged with protecting the environment and controlling pollution.

The hope is to hold polluters like Enbridge and all responsible state and federal agencies accountable for remediation of our watersheds — and to stop Enbridge from doing similar damage here in Wisconsin.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting, including Victoria and Jami’s talk, here. Watch the full video below. Victoria and Jami’s presentation begins at 9:29.

Mike Friend and Harry Pulliam speak about how agriculture impacts the climate. Conventional agriculture generates a significant amount of greenhouse gases, in addition to other harmful impacts on water, soil, and human health. However, there are alternative farming practices that that can repair the harm, sequester carbon, and support thriving communities, both human and non-human. Mike and Harry explain how we can support farmers to use these regenerative practices.

Mike has spent the last few years working on a small intensive vegetable farm that provides summer youth employment and job training for people interested in agriculture as a career. He leads the 350 Wisconsin Agriculture Policy and Practices Team. Harry is vice-president of the South Central Chapter of the Wisconsin Farmers Union and a member of the executive committee of the Sustain Rural Wisconsin Network.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting, including Mike and Harry’s talk, here. Watch the full video below. Mike and Harry’s presentation begins at 7:15.

How can land use planning at the regional level affect climate change? Steve Steinhoff, agency director of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission, talks about how regional planning can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster community climate resilience. Steve shares priorities and strategies from a regional planning framework for greater Madison’s growth over the next 30 years. He also discusses what climate activists can do to influence land use in our communities.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting, including Steve’s talk, here. Watch the full video below.

How can we make climate change front and center in our state’s political discourse? At the February monthly meeting, 350 Wisconsin Executive Director John Greenler spoke about the early successes of 350 Wisconsin Action and the work that lies ahead — especially the upcoming spring elections, their importance for the climate, and the urgent need to get out the vote on February 21 and April 4.

You can find the slides from the full monthly meeting, including John’s talk, here.

Climate change is a key driver of human migration, as flooding, droughts, crop failures, and other events displace people from their homes. Dr. Angie Dickens speaks about the impact of climate change on global migration. Dr. Dickens has worked at the interface of environmental science and policy at the US EPA, the Wisconsin DNR, and a six-state regional planning organization. She co-leads a social justice group at Christ Presbyterian Church that works on immigration and other issues. You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below. Dr. Dickens’ presentation begins at 3:49.

Kyla Smith, 350 Wisconsin’s Climate Justice Organizer, speaks about the essential role of community needs assessments in climate activism. Drawing on her experience as an Environmental Justice Climate Equity Fellow with Mobilize Green, she discusses the work she did with her team in Detroit, Michigan, assessing climate injustices there. She covers what they learned, and also the pitfalls they encountered. A lifelong resident of Wisconsin, she also offers some thoughts for our climate justice work here in Madison.

You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below. Kyla’s presentation begins at 3:57.

Dr. Andrew Lewandowski, a pediatrician with Group Health Cooperative in Madison, speaks about the direct and indirect health impacts of climate change and the importance of health messaging in advocating for climate justice.

Dr. Lewandowski has served as a resource to the Wisconsin Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, and he has filled leadership positions for the Wisconsin Environmental Health Network and Wisconsin Health Professionals for Climate Action.

You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below. Dr. Lewandowski’s presentation begins at 12:23.

Want to know what a county can do to address climate change? Listen to Dane County Executive Joe Parisi talk about Dane County’s strategies for reducing countywide emissions. He speaks about strategies for reducing emissions in county operations, as well as efforts to spur emission reductions across local governments, businesses, nonprofits, and households in the county. Find out how Dane County leads by example.

An advocate for the “art of the possible,” Executive Parisi reviews specific strategies that any county in Wisconsin could implement. First elected as county executive in 2011, Joe established the Dane County Office of Energy and Climate Change in 2017. In 2020, Dane County issued a Climate Action Plan that sets forth the path for cutting countywide emissions in half by 2030, all without new policy authority.

You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below. Executive Parisi’s presentation begins at 8:08.

One of the biggest roadblocks to passing good climate legislation in Wisconsin is political polarization. How do we engage a coalition of people — moving beyond just one side of the aisle — to enact the policies we need to address the climate crisis?

At the 350 Wisconsin September 2022 monthly meeting, we heard from Nada Elmikashfi, a new member of our Board of Directors. Nada spoke about how to move policy proposals into legislation. Drawing on her experience in the legislature and as an organizer, she talked about creating climate policy from the ground up. Climate policy can go beyond partisanship, she said, when it draws on the lived experiences of those it impacts, when it’s created in the spirit of inclusive discourse, and when it’s delivered in accessible language.

You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below. Nada’s presentation begins at 9:34.

What are youth leaders and organizations doing on climate justice locally? How has the youth climate movement evolved since the climate strikes of 2019? Noemy Lesieutre, a recent graduate of West High School in Madison, Wisconsin, speaks about the diversity of youth climate activism and the things that give her hope. Noemy is an active volunteer with 350 Wisconsin and the director of In Pursuit of Sunshine (IPOS; inpursuitofsunshine.org). IPOS’s mission is to build on the power of local change while centering climate justice, intersectionality, and community. Over the past three years, IPOS has developed a climate justice high school course, hosted events, created a radio show (devilradio927.com/series/in-pursuit-of-sunshine), led campaigns, and organized community gardens because they believe “it is our responsibility to take care of our community.” Above all, they have created a network of community leaders.

Watch a video about IPOS — “Regenerating Education: A Journey with In Pursuit of Sunshine” — here.

You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below. Noemy’s presentation begins at 9:55.

Want to learn more about 350 Wisconsin? Watch the video of our annual meeting to hear about exciting developments, including:

* Our rebranding as 350 Wisconsin in recognition of the statewide reach of our work; and
* Our establishment of a separate 501(c)(4) organization — 350 Wisconsin Action — to allow us to engage in political and electoral work.

You’ll also hear about the 350 Wisconsin vision, mission, and principles for change; our commitment to center climate justice in our work; and our campaigns, and you’ll meet our staff and candidates for our Board of Directors and Coordinating Council.

You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below.

In an extremely polarized political environment, it is crucial to get bipartisan buy-in on policies advancing clean energy, emission reductions, and climate justice. Scott Coenen speaks about how 350 Wisconsin can effectively engage with conservative legislators and voters about clean energy and the climate crisis. Scott is the executive director of Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum, a group dedicated to advancing a conservative vision for clean and renewable energy in our state.

You can find the slides from the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below. The introduction to Scott’s presentation begins at the 2:47 mark, and the presentation itself, at 4:36.

Paul DeMain (Skabewis) talks about Tribal Ecological Knowledge and the work of Honor the Earth, a Minnesota Indigenous-led environmental advocacy and re-granting organization. A citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and of Ojibwe descent, Paul lives near Hayward, Wisconsin, on the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Reservation. He is the former editor of News from Indian Country (published from 1986 to 2019), a producer for IndianCountryTV.com, and currently board chair for Honor the Earth.

You can find Paul’s slides here. Watch the full April monthly meeting video below. Paul’s presentation begins at the 3:14 mark.

Climate change can be a communication challenge: When we bring it up as a topic of conversation or the focus of a policy campaign, we are contending with a cacophony of other voices and people’s existing beliefs and values. How can we speak so that others can hear? What messages and communication strategies will enable us to mobilize more people to work on climate? Listen to Jane Elder speak about strategies for effective communication around the climate crisis (starting at 3:33).

James Janko of Veterans for Peace speaks about militarism and the climate crisis, including the environmental impact of F-35s. Here’s an excerpt from what Jim, a medic in Vietnam, has written about why he joined the Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project:

“In Viet Nam, I saw first-hand the destruction in the Cu Chi and Tay Ninh countryside, the forests and fields razed by bombs and defoliants, the land seemingly stripped of all life for as far as the eye could see. Sometimes I felt we were fighting the earth itself…. The destruction occurring because of climate change dwarfs the almost indescribable devastation I witnessed in Viet Nam. No organization in the world emits more greenhouse gases than the Pentagon. For this reason, issues of militarism and the consequences of militarism need to be at the forefront of the climate movement.”

Watch the full video below. Jim’s presentation begins at the 3:35 mark.

If you missed the January monthly meeting, watch the video to learn how 350 Madison is taking action for climate and how YOU can get involved! Volunteers from each of 350 Madison’s teams share what it’s like to make a difference for the climate and 350 Madison. If you’ve been around a long time, this is a great way to learn more about the 350 Madison initiatives that you are less involved in. If you’re new, this is your chance to find something that matches your interest and energy to make a difference. Find the slides for the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below.

Three Wisconsin experts in climate change, sustainability, and clean energy share their experience working at the city, county, and state level in this panel discussion. The panel features these speakers:
* Kathy Kuntz, Director of the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change
* Jessica Price, Madison Sustainability & Resilience Manager
* Maria Redmond, Director of the Wisconsin Office of Sustainability & Clean Energy
Find the slides for the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (the panel discussion begins at 8:25).

Emily Park, field organizer with 350 US, gives an overview of the new Fossil Free Federal Reserve campaign. The campaign is demanding that President Biden nominate a climate advocate to chair the Federal Reserve System, and that the Fed use its regulatory powers to limit the funding of fossil fuel companies and projects. Emily explains how this campaign ties in with federal legislation, the campaign against Chase Bank and other big funders of fossil fuels, and similar efforts around the world. Find the slides for the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Emily’s talk begins at 20:34).

Indi Namkoong, coalition manager for 350PDX, recounts the remarkable story of the Portland Clean Energy Fund. This first-ever clean energy fund for climate justice was established by a successful ballot measure passed by 65% of Portland voters in November 2018. It provides dedicated funding for climate action that advances racial and social justice, generating and distributing $44–$61 million in new revenue each year. Funds come from a 1% surcharge on the largest corporate retail chains in Portland. Find the slides for the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Indi Namkoong’s talk begins at 13.40).

Morgan Edwards speaks about how we can use new data and models to understand the effects of state and local climate actions in the US. We hear about the global significance of climate commitments from cities, states, and other non-federal actors — and how collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and community groups can help make sure these commitments lead to real reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The talk draws on research on fossil fuel phaseout from the UW–Madison Climate Action Lab. Morgan Edwards is an assistant professor at UW–Madison’s La Follette School of Public Affairs and the founder and director of the Climate Action Lab. We also hear about opportunities to take action from 350 Madison’s campaigns. Find the slides for the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below (Morgan Edwards’ talk begins at 9:20).

Katie Cantrell speaks about how we can help transform the way we eat by making plant-based foods the default in restaurants and workplaces, at conferences and parties, and in our own homes. Cantrell is the Director of Corporate Outreach for the Better Food Foundation and the founder of the Factory Farming Awareness Coalition. Find the slides for the monthly meeting here. Watch the full video below.

Wisconsinites who were present at the June 5–8 Treaty People Gathering in northern Minnesota share stories of their experiences and urge all of us to take action, at home or on the frontlines, to #StopLine3. Find the slides here. Watch the full video below.

Four 350 Madison members who participated in the Nehemiah Center’s Justified Anger class “Black History for a New Day” this spring talk about the experience and the ways it will contribute to their future work for climate justice. Find the monthly meeting slides here. Watch the full monthly meeting below.

The global movement to divest from fossil fuels is the biggest movement of its kind in history. A panel featuring students active in the UW Divestment Coalition and 350 Madison divestment activists discuss campus divestment, personal divestment, and the campaign to get Chase Bank to defund Line 3. Find the monthly meeting slides here. Watch the full monthly meeting below.

Samantha Williams, director of the Midwest Climate and Clean Energy Program of the Natural Resources Defense Council, talks about the policies that Wisconsin can adopt now at state and local levels to kickstart the transition away from using fossil fuels in our buildings. Find the monthly meeting slides here. Watch the full monthly meeting below.

Leaders from each of 350 Madison’s teams give an overview of what they’re doing — and what we can do — to fight climate change:

– Tar Sands, which fights pipelines in Wisconsin;
– Divest & Defund, which pressures large financial institutions to stop financing fossil fuel companies;
– Community Climate Solutions, which works with local governments across Dane County to achieve climate goals; and
– Climate Justice, which works to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on frontline communities and to develop fair and equitable solutions to the climate crisis.

Also learn about 350 Madison’s 2021–22 strategic plan. You’ll find the slides from the meeting here. Watch the full monthly meeting below.

Maria Redmond, Director of the Wisconsin Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy, speaks about the recently released report of the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change. The 100-page report outlines best strategies for tackling the climate crisis across nine sectors, from climate justice, transportation, and agriculture, to education, food systems, and forestry. Maria gives an overview of the report and offers guidance on how we can help ensure that task force strategies are implemented. You’ll find Maria’s slides here. Watch the full monthly meeting, including Maria’s talk and updates on 350 Madison campaigns, below.
Kate Beaton, a member of the Eau Claire City Council, explains how we can act locally on climate now, making sure our community leaders deliver on their climate promises. We also hear updates on pipeline resistance and the movement to defund Line 3 and other pipelines and view a PBS Climate Wisconsin video on extreme heat, which you can watch on the PBS series website here. You’ll find Kate’s slides here. Watch the full monthly meeting, including Kate’s talk, below.

Especially in this time of social distancing and quarantine, social media is playing an even more important role to create awareness and inspire our community to build a strong climate movement in Wisconsin. Laurie DeRuntz, Social Media Marketer, shares practical tips on how to make our communication even more effective to reach our existing audience and gain new supporters. You’ll find Laurie’s slides here. Watch the full monthly meeting, including Laurie’s talk, below.
Gail Nordheim, President of 350 Madison’s Board of Directors, addresses the current status of the climate crisis, its disproportionate impacts on the poor and communities of color, and the relationship between COVID-19 and climate change. You’ll find the monthly meeting slides here. Watch Gail’s talk below.
Sam Grant, veteran community organizer and executive director of MN350, speaks about the critical need for climate activists to address racial justice. You’ll find the monthly meeting slides here. Watch Sam’s talk below or watch the entire monthly meeting here.
Learn all about 350 Madison’s Green Wave Get Out the Vote (GOTV) initiative. Find out how you can get involved in helping increase turnout in this critical election! Check out the slides from the meeting here.
Seth Jensen, leader of the 350 Madison Divest and Defund team, shares his insights on the growing Stop the Money Pipeline national movement and its relationship to our divestment and pipeline campaigns in Wisconsin. Also, meet 350 Madison’s new volunteer coordinator, Nikki Darga, and get updates on our three teams and our climate justice activities this summer. You’ll find the slides from the meeting here and the complete video of the meeting below:
Gary Radloff, principal at the Radloff Group, discusses why climate policy reform and energy democracy require opening up public service commissions to the public. See the slides from the meeting here. The Q&A from the program is here. And here’s the complete video of the meeting:

Janet Schmidt and Greg Fries from the Madison Engineering Department talk about climate trends and proposed changes to Madison’s stormwater ordinance. You can see the PowerPoint presentation here and listen to the entire program below: