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Sign up for our email list!      Volunteer!


To change everything, it takes everyone!

We’d love to have you join us in fighting for a livable planet! It will take every one of us, and there’s an important role to play, whatever your skills, whatever your interests, whatever amount of time you have.

  • Sign up up for our mailing list! You’ll receive the 350 Madison newsletter, along with news about our events, campaigns and initiatives.
  • Become a member of 350 Madison! See our FAQ for more information about membership.
  • Volunteer! Click here to indicate how you’d like to get involved; contact our volunteer coordinator at VolunteerCoord@350madison.org; or scroll down to learn more about our teams and currently open volunteer positions.
  • Attend our monthly meetings (typically the first Monday of each month).
  • “Like” our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

Check out our current volunteer openings…

We have many volunteer needs and appreciate contributions at any level. You can check out whether 350 Madison is right for you by attending our monthly meetings or getting in touch with one of our teams (see below).

Here are some of our current volunteer openings:

We are seeking an editor for our monthly e-newsletter. The editor conducts interviews and writes articles, finds appropriate public-domain photos, and attractively formats the newsletter using MailChimp or a similar platform.

We are looking for an individual with excellent writing skills, attention to detail, and ability to produce attractive, informative, and readable newsletters using online publishing apps.

To learn more, contact 350-madison-cat@350madison.org.

Do you want to address the climate emergency in our area? Are you interested in working with other people in your community who share your concerns?

350 Madison’s Community Climate Solutions Team needs your help! We have Community Working Groups for Madison, Middleton, Fitchburg, Monona, Dane County, and UW–Madison — with plans for more to come. Get more information about these Working Groups here.

Join the CCST Action Participation List to respond to specific, time-limited requests aimed at influencing a particular local government (e.g., attending a public hearing, making phone calls, or writing letters). To join this list or one of the Working Groups, click here.

To learn more, contact Susan Millar.

Our Tar Sands team has many volunteer opportunities to fit your skills, interests, and availability. We need volunteers to do online research; create memes and FB posts; write letters to the editor; make art; update a website; phonebank and textbank; contact potential partner groups; do data entry and type up notes; show up to hearings; testify at hearings; engage in public speaking; plan rallies, press conferences, and events; write public comments on pipeline projects; and more!

To learn more, contact Phyllis.Hasbrouck@350madison.org.

Calling all artists, craftspeople, graphic designers, creative writers, playwrights, musicians, singers, dancers, costume designers, seamstresses, etc.! If you want to save our planet and can donate your artistic talents, get in touch with Phyllis Hasbrouck at Phyllis.Hasbrouck@350madison.org.

Meet our teams…

350 Madison relies on two types of teams to accomplish our mission. Campaign teams work on core advocacy goals, while operations teams support the campaigns. See something you’d be good at or something you’d like to learn how to do? Fill out this form to let us know your interests, and we’ll schedule a time to talk about how you can best contribute.


Campaign Teams

Tar Sands

The Tar Sands Team is fighting Enbridge tar sands pipelines in Wisconsin. Our aims are to block expansion of Line 61 and to halt plans for an adjacent Line 66. We support efforts led by those most impacted, including tribes, landowners, and affected community members.

Contact: Phyllis Hasbrouck, Phyllis.Hasbrouck@350madison.org

Divest & Defund

2016 was the hottest year on record; 2017 was the second-hottest. The Divest & Defund Team focuses on convincing institutions that investments in fossil fuel are not only ethically and fiscally irresponsible, but are literally wrecking the planet we call home—all for profit. Banks are our current focus since without their support, dirty pipeline projects can’t get funded.

Contact: Seth Jensen, Seth.Jensen@350madison.org

Community Climate Solutions

Community Climate Solutions focuses on making change across Dane County, at both systems and individual levels. One campaign seeks to help local governments implement urgently needed climate solutions. Another collaborates with other local groups to increase climate action and awareness.

Contact:  Susan Millar,  Susan.Millar@350madison.org; Kermit Hovey, Kermit.Hovey@350madison.org

Operations Teams

Communication Action

The Communication Action Team (CAT) provides communication support to the campaigns. CAT services encompass website and social media, press releases, letters to the editor and op-eds, radio spots, email blasts, and photography and video. CAT especially needs new members with expertise in video and graphics arts.

Contact: Emily Park, Emily.Park@350madison.org

Finance & Fundraising

The Fundraising Team devises and implements strategies for meeting annual fundraising goals through special events, grant writing, crowd funding, donor drives, and merchandise development and sales.

Contact: Gail Nordheim, Gail.Nordheim@350madison.org

Monthly Meeting

The Monthly Meeting Team plans and implements 350 Madison’s monthly public meetings by identifying speakers, coordinating announcements and agenda, and handling setup and break-down. The team especially need new members with experience operating AV equipment.

Contact: Julia Isaacs, Julia.Isaacs@350madison.org; Kelly Kearns, Kelly.Kearns@350madison.org


Thank you for your interest—and for everything you do!
