Thank you for your interest in increasing your donation!
The system we use to process recurring donations does not have a one-click method for changing the amount of a donation. But, it can be done with just a few clicks. Please follow the steps below to change the amount of your monthly gift. We appreciate you taking a few moments for this simple procedure. Thank you again for your ongoing support!
How to increase your recurring contribution to 350 Madison
Because the system we use doesn’t allow a donor to change their donation amount directly, these steps will walk you through cancelling your current recurring donation and starting a new one at a different giving level.
1) Because you are already a sustaining member (thank you!), you should be receiving an electronic receipt from 350 Madison each month. Go to your e-mail inbox and find one of these receipt messages. The subject line should say “Your recurring contribution has been successfully processed.”
2) Open the message and find the link that says “Click here to update your credit card or cancel your recurring contribution.” Click on that link.
3) You will be taken to a page titled “350 Madison”, with the subtitle “Update Payment Information”. On the left hand side of the page there will be a box with the words “Cancel Future Contributions” at the bottom. Click on that link.
4) You will be asked to confirm your cancellation. Do so – and we hope you won’t stop there!
5) To start a new monthly contribution at a different giving level, go straight to 350 Madison’s donation form. (This link will open in a new tab, so you won’t lose these instructions.)
6) Re-enter your debit or credit card information (if it isn’t entered automatically) and choose your new giving level. Don’t forget to check the box that says “Make This Recurring Monthly”! Finish filling out the form and click “Contribute Now”.
7) Your account will be charged immediately for the amount of your new gift, and then again every month.
8) Give yourself a pat on the back for supporting this work!