May 29, 2016 Break Free Midwest: My Experience — By Judy Skog On May 15, 350 Madison took part in Break Free Midwest in Whiting, Indiana, home to the world’s largest BP oil refinery. The event was...
April 16, 2016 Great Couple of Weeks for Tar Sands Resistance in WI—By Elizabeth Ward It’s been an exciting couple of weeks for 350 Madison and friends, gaining great momentum to stop the increased threats of tar sands pipelines through...
April 14, 2016 Reflections from the Wisconsin Tar Sands Tour—By Cassie Steiner On April 3–8, hundreds of students throughout the University of Wisconsin System gathered to learn about tar sands and organize in opposition to them. In five days,...
April 13, 2016 Landowner Lawsuit Still Alive! 350 Madison continues to pursue every legal means to oppose tar sands pipelines through Wisconsin, especially ones that don’t carry sufficient third-party cleanup insurance to...