At 350 Wisconsin, we envision a world with a safe climate and a sustainable future for all living beings…
...a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with people power. This requires us to inspire, train, and mobilize people to take power back from the corporate elite and corrupt politicians and co-create a thriving, multiracial movement that works with allies for social justice.
We are committed to holding the fossil fuel industry accountable for the damages it has caused, driving our leaders to act and build the equitable and just climate solutions the world needs. This means we need to listen to, and work with, BIPOC and other frontline communities, supporting their leadership in charting a just and equitable path forward.
We recognize that the climate crisis is a symptom of living under exploitative, intersecting systems of oppression: racism, settler colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, militarism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and more. We cannot combat climate change without fighting the systems of oppression that have created it. This understanding shapes our fight against the fossil fuel industry and for a just, equitable, and sustainable future.
We also know that we still have much to learn about these systemic injustices and the ways we can and must combat them. As an organization with a largely white base, we acknowledge the ways we are privileged. We embrace our responsibility to learn about and work to dismantle global systems of oppression as a core part of addressing the climate crisis.
We aspire to make 350 Wisconsin a welcoming and inclusive organization that reflects the diversity of our state. We will live in the intersection of having grace for what we do not know, and accountability to change once we do. We commit to our own learning and unlearning, speaking up when we encounter microaggressions, working to dismantle white supremacy culture, addressing interpersonal conflict in a supportive way, and holding one another accountable. We commit to pushing against the white supremacy notion that we can’t speak up unless we have the perfect words. We commit to nurturing an organization where it is safe to talk about race openly, be curious, and not have all the answers immediately. We nurture an organization where it is safe to make mistakes, and then acknowledge and correct those mistakes.
We commit ourselves to learn and act in equitable, just, and inclusive ways.
Adapted from a statement by